Thursday, November 1, 2007

Race Car Driver Ben and Landon the turtle

We hope you all had a happy Halloween. We had a lot of fun! I took the boys out trick or treating with my friend Tracy and her 2 boys around the neighborhood. I had to keep reminding Ben to only take one when they put the bowl out in front of him and let him choose himself... you know how much that kid loves candy. :) Afterwards Ben insisted that we go to Brett and Marcela's house. We had a great time visiting them and Ben loved showing all his candy and counting it. Fernando flew out to New York to visit family and see his uncle in the hospital. We missed having him but it was still good times. So I got a little carried away with the camera...but then again its me. :) Of course Ben wasn't very cooperative with the camera so most of the shots are candid shots. Here are some of my favorites and a slide show to come.