Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I have to give a shout out to my best friend Erika since today is her birthday. It is so great that I get to be here in Oregon celebrating it with her. We are sad to have to leave each other again. :( The boys and I head back home tonight.

I feel so blessed to have Erika in my life. She is so amazing and extremely talented. If you are wondering where all those new cute candid shots on my side bar blog came from now you know. She is an incredible photographer, video augrapher and artist!!! just to name a few of her many talents...
Our friendship started 4 1/2 years ago but I truly believe it started long before then.

It all started when our husbands were in several of the same accounting classes together. We were both pregnant with our firsts and instantly bonded. Our friendship has just continued to blossom as we have shared in each others lives. We use to hang out all the time before we moved to seperate states but the distance hasn't altered our friendship we still talk on the phone almost daily and visit each other. It is fun and a little crazy when we get together because it is like having 2 sets of twins almost... our kids are 3 months and 2 months apart....oh and we hardly get any sleep because we stay up all night talking, laughing and bonding even more. Just the other night we stayed up doing facials and drinking virgin strawberry pina coladas, and pedicures. We laughed until we were crying. In respect for her I won't post our crazy fun pictures of our green masks. :) It just isn't every day you find someone you can totally be yourself with and who knows and understands you so perfectly! I couldn't t ask for a more loyal best friend
Everywhere we go people ask us if we are sisters. I am curious to hear what you think?? We are so a like in so many ways. I couldn't ask for a better best friend. Erika I love your guts and feel so blessed to have you in my life! I treasure the memories we've created and look forward to the many more memories to come. Thank you for ALWAYS being there for EVERYTHING. I hope you have the birthday that you so deserve.


Erika said...

Thanks Jeana! I love you guts! I'm going to miss you soooo much!! I'm going to miss you! You should really move out to Oregon. It's not THAT cold. :) Thanks for visiting, it's been sooo fun and has gone WAY too fast!

BarbaraJo said...

You are so skinny!! You look you've never had a baby or two.

Matt and Krachel said...

Wow you are sooo skinny! You always were, but wow! You look fantastic!

Hey I wanted to let you know we've set a date for the class reunion. It will be held on Saturday, August 9th. We're planning on holding a picnic in the park for families that afternoon from 1-3. Then we'll have a dinner for couples that evening at 6:00 at Soldier Hollow. We're planning on doing most of our communicating online so I am wondering if you might have an email address that would be a better way to stay in touch? Let me know. In the meantime, treat this as your 'save the date' and then I'll have a few more updates for you. Thanks!


Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

Really cute pictures, you look great! When are you coming to SLC? Hope to hear from you or see you soon.

BarbaraJo said...

I was just in UT for a week. I would love to meet up next time I'm there. I just wish I knew when that would be.

Sunny & Court said...

Hey girl how are you? What a cute little family you have. Thanks for the message. I heard that you were in AZ a few years ago, so I called your mom and she told me you moved to CA. I was sad. Anyway, I am going to try and go to the reunion. Hope to see you there!!

Coby, Lynette and Kids said...

I can't wait to see you! Let me know for sure and we'll get together. Every time I hear Creed I think of you, we had some good times didn't we, 4-wheeling, etc.